دليل البلدان النمسا

طائرة خاصة مستأجرة إلى النمسا

من المتاحف الفنية في فيينا إلى التراث الموسيقي في سالزبورغ، تعد النمسا قوة ثقافية. ودعونا لا ننسى عامل الجذب الرئيسي الآخر في النمسا – جبال الألب العظيمة. انطلق إلى المنحدرات في أحد منتجعات التزلج الفاخرة في البلاد ولن ترغب أبدًا في مغادرة أرض العجائب الشتوية هذه. استمتع بتجربة كل ذلك، ما عليك سوى استئجار طائرة خاصة إلى النمسا مع خدمة Air Charter Service.

Explore Austria’s capital, Vienna, and learn about its influential artistic and intellectual past. With past residents including Mozart, Beethoven and Sigmund Freud, this elegant city is rich in culture and a fantastic destination for art lovers. Explore the elaborate grounds at the Belvedere, home to two baroque palaces and the Belvedere Museum, where you can see Gustav Klimt’s most famous masterpiece, “The Kiss; and visit the iconic Karlsplatz Station and Vienna Opera House. Viennese cuisine has come a long way and, whilst visitors can still enjoy traditional dishes like sausage and snitzel, the city is overflowing with highly acclaimed fine dining restaurants.

The birthplace of Mozart, Salzburg attracts music lovers for obvious reasons, but the classical composer isn’t the city’s only musical legacy. The Sound of Music was filmed here, with scenes shot at landmarks including Mirabell Gardens, Hellbrunn Palace and Pegasus Fountain. Aside from exploring Salzburg's musical past, visitors can hike through mountains, peruse charming Christmas markets and visit the city’s famous traditional breweries.

Luxury ski resort Lech boasts some of the best snow in the Alps, picturesque 15th-century houses and World Gourmet Village status dining – the multi-award-winning Griggeler Stuba is one of the region’s best restaurants. After hitting the slopes, warm up at exclusive après-ski bars or enjoy a spot of designer shopping. When it comes to accommodation, you’ll be spoilt for choice with a plethora of luxury ski chalets and five-star hotels offering decadent boudoirs and state-of-the-art spas.

At the foot of the Alps lies Lake Bodensee, also known as Lake Constance, which covers an area of over 207 square metres and is shared between Switzerland, Germany and Austria. In addition to the beautiful natural scenery and luxury resorts on the Austrian side of the lake, another major attraction is Bregenz, home to a celebrated open-air opera festival where singers perform on a floating stage.

Simply contact our team and we’ll arrange everything you need to charter a private jet to Austria landing at a range of airports such as Vienna International Airport or Salzburg Airport.

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